
SOLDIER is waiting!

Ooh boy, you've made it to the join page. Just read the rules, pick out a code, and fill in the form and you're good to go!


1. Like Reno. I don't care if you BC!Reno, AC!Reno or any incarnation in between, I don't care if you like Cloud better, or if you think he is hot or whathaveyou. It's all good, baby! Just like the character in some way shape or form. And really, what's not to like? (Besides that whole evil thing.)

2. Reasonable names please. Be honest with me here. Are you really Rufus ShinRa? Really really? I'll list any name you give me but I like to keep the userlist believable and free of l33t sp34k.

3. You don't need a website. But if you do have one, please consider linking back here- that way more people can find this fanlisting :) And it's super-fun too! I've even provided handy dandy codes for you.

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