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Grace DoubleNegative

The poem... is a little myth of man's capacity of making life meaningful. And in the end, the poem is not a thing we see - it is, rather, a light by which we may see - and what we see is life. -Robert Penn Warren

On Remembrance and Majesty

Okay. First, you can enjoy a bunch of stuff stolen verbatim from the Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past instruction booklet. Why? Because I found it the other day, and man, something that oldschool has got to be awesome.

According to the Hylian scrolls, the mythical gods descended from a distant nebula to the world that was and created order and life. The God of Power dyed the mointans red with fire and created land. The God of Wisdom created science and wizardry and brought order to nature. And the God of Courage, through justice and vigor, created life- the animals that crawl the land and the birds that soar in the sky. After the gods had finished their work, they left the world, but not before creating a symbol of their strenght a golden triangle known as the the Triforce. A small but powerdul portion of the essence of the gods was held in this mighty artifact, which was to guide the intelligent life on the world of Hyrule.

Although it was an inanimate object, the Trifore had the power to bestow three titles which gave the person who received them great powers: The Forger of Strength, The Keeper of Knowledge, and The Juror of Courage. From its hiding place in the so-called Golden Land where the gods placed it, the Triforce beckoned people from the outside world to seek it in the hope that someone worthy of these titles would find it.

Although it was an inanimate object, the Trifore had the power to bestow three titles which gave the person who received them great powers: The Forger of Strength, The Keeper of Knowledge, and The Juror of Courage. From its hiding place in the so-called Golden Land where the gods placed it, the Triforce beckoned people from the outside world to seek it in the hope that someone worthy of these titles would find it.

With their magic infused blood. The Hylian people were endowed with psychic powers and skill in wizardry. It was also said that their long, pointed ears enabled them to hear special messages from the gods, so they were held in high esteem by many people in Hyrule. Their descendants settled in various parts of the world and passed on their knowledge and magical lore to all people. But in its passing, the lore was often distorted or lost altogether...