The hero is the one who kindles a great light in the world, who sets up blazing torches in the dark streets of life for men to see by. The saint is the man who walks through the dark paths of the world, himself a light. -Felix Adler
This is Lightbringer, a small shrine dedicated to the hero of Final Fantasy IV. I can't pretend this is anything complete and comprehensive, but it does pay tribute to some of the better qualities of the fourth hero. Final Fantasy IV with its clunky graphics and less than perfect translations, has never been the most well-represented of games online, but it's always been one of my favorites. And Cecil, its knight in sometimes-shining armor, will always be the first angsty prettyboy of my pixellated heart.
This site was created with fans of Final Fantasy IV in mind, and though I've taken pains to make it comprehensible to the layman, I can't ensure it will make much sense at all. Please also note that there are many unmarked spoilers. You're a big kid, and this game is almost as old as I am. I think you can handle it.
Bonus super-combo action!

Longing to get your spoony bard on that much harder? Lightbringer is kinda-sorta partnered with Amends, one of the oldest and largest Final Fantasy IV sites on the web, coincidentally run by yours truly. There might even be some double layout action going on. Because you really can't have Cecil without Kain, and vice versa.