To Make Amends
Light gives of itself freely, filling all available space. It does not seek anything in return; it asks not whether you are friend or foe. It gives of itself and is not thereby diminished. -Michael Strassfeld
Welcome to Amends, a Final Fantasy IV tribute. More specifically, this is a site dedicated entirely to Kain Highwind, the angsty dragoon and paladin backstabber downstabber extroardinaire. I love Final Fantasy IV in all of its outdated charm, and Kain has always been my favorite character. The plot relies on Kain as much as this game desperately needs Cecil. And this site is meant to provide some much needed shrinage to the Final Fantasy IV universe.
I adopted this site in the summer of 2005 from Alex of leknaat.org, because I like Kain and at the time one of my greatest ambitions was to own a Final Fantasy IV site. This is the forth layout this site has had since I took over, and it features brand new artwork from the cellphone-only Final Fantasy IV sequel. We live in strange and disturbing times.