That Ruthless Renegade
Here you can find all that I've cared to write up about Reno. Beware: I have opinions and I'm not afraid to voice them. Also, much of this site is a big joke on Final Fantasy VII. I don't think Reno would want a site that didn't know how to wisecrack.
- Wait, What?!; Final Fantasy VII 101.
- Basics; Charmed, I'm sure.
- Final Fantasy VII; Plot summary and stats.
- Advent Children; OMGZ he's so dreamy.
- Before Crisis; That Japanese cellphone game.
- Further; Each line of dialogue, PAINSTAKINGLY ANALYZED.
- Appearance; How he carries himself.
- Hair; The man, the myth, the mullet.
- Morality; Just how evil is he?
- Turks; The "Administrative Research" branch of Shin-Ra.
- Character Assassination; Compilation!Reno vs. FF7!Reno.
- Love; You paired Reno with WHO?!