This is Libertine's small and seldom-updated Final Fantasy VII linkbase. Because I'm sure you'll be wanting out of here, and fast. If you'd like to link exchange, you can email me here. I'll do it too, like the name of this site implies, I'm a bit of a dirty whore.
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Shin-Ra stuff!
The bestest part of Final Fantasy VII gets its own special section.
Fall of the Sky- Zack
Hangfire- Tseng
Perfect Number- Hojo
Even in Distance- Vincent/Lucretia
Cryptic Puppet- Cait Sith
Memorial Address- Zack
Maverick- Reno
Nightshade- Kadaj
Black Ops- The Turks
Empire- Rufus
Abandoned Hope- Vincent
Elegy- Vincent
Mystery Moogle- Cait Sith
Calamity from the Skies- Jenova
Fast and Loose- Reno
Angels Instead- Sephiroth
Other Final Fantasy VII
I'm way, way, too lazy to alphabetize these, you'll just have to make do.
Strife- Cloud
Irony- Aeris
Saint- Aeris
Loveless- Tifa
Never Ever- Tifa
Shinobi Descendent- Yuffie
Will- Denzel
Schism- Cloud
Omnislash- Cloud
On the Edge- Barret
Ninja!- Yuffie
Locked Heart- Tifa
Lamb- Marlene
Kinky- Don Corneo
Amethyst- Cid
Simulacrum- Cloud
A Passing Dream- Aeris
Rose of May- Tifa
Beast- Red XIII
All Creation- Yuffie
My Light- Aeris
Getaway- Cid/Yuffie
Eternal Love- Cloud/Tifa
Hikari- Cloud/Aeris
Listed at: In the Fade, Saigo, Greyscale, FF Shrine Finder, Emotion
Further gaming links can be found here.