Here are some wallpapers that feature Reno. A few were made by yours truly, generally regarded as a very bad idea, but most were the generous gifts of visitors. They're here so you can download them, and so Shin-Ra can own your desktop as much as it does the rest of the world.
Art: Advent Children
Download: 800x600/1024x768
Description: This is a wallpaper I made out of Libertine's first layout, featuring muted colors and Reno's infamous kick to Kadaj's head. The image is awesome, the wallpaper itself, less so. Kapow!
Game: Before Crisis
Download: 800x600/1024x768
Description: This is a wallpaper from Libertine's second layout, and I actually am rather pleased with the results. Features a collage of BC images and an odd bubble-gum like color scheme, which I'm fond of though I'm not sure how it suits Reno. (I think it does, I'm just not sure why.)
Art: Advent Children
Download: 800x600/1024x768
Creator: Phoenix
Description: A lovely wallpaper featuring Reno and his comrade in arms, Rude. You tell those Silver Haired Men, you tell 'em good.
Art: Advent Children
Download: 800x600/1024x768
Creator: Phoenix
Description: Reno with his Electro-Mag-Rod-Whatchamicallit and Reno kicking a Sephiroth Clone in the face. A very nice bit of art by SquareEnix turned into a very nice wallpaper by Phoenix.
Art: Advent Children
Download: 800x600/1024x768
Creator: Phoenix
Description: Yet more lovely Turk flavored wallpapers brought to you by Phoenix. This one has Reno in several different poses, including a side view where you can really see his red scars/warpaint/markings. Yay.