Here are some wallpapers that feature Reno. A few were made by yours truly, generally regarded as a very bad idea, but most were the generous gifts of visitors. They're here so you can download them, and so Shin-Ra can own your desktop as much as it does the rest of the world.
Art: Advent Children
Download: 800x600/1024x768
Creator: Emi
Description: A very sexy wallpaper made from that infamous Advent Children screenshot. You can see his tongue! Reno has his Electro-Mag rod and is looking very cool.
Art: Before Crisis
Download: 800x600/1024x768
Creator: RenosGirl
Description: I just love the Before Crisis artwork. This lovely wallpaper features all of the Turks (and Cloud! and Zack! and Sephiroth!) but with a special emphasis on Reno.
Art: Before Crisis
Download: 800x600/1024x768
Creator: RenosGirl
Description: I just love the Before Crisis artwork. This lovely wallpaper features all of the Turks (and Cloud! and Zack! and Sephiroth!) but with a special emphasis on Reno. (A variation of the above wallpaper.)
Art: Before Crisis
Download: 800x600/1024x768
Creator: RenosGirl
Description: I just love the Before Crisis artwork. This lovely wallpaper features all of the Turks (and Cloud! and Zack! and Sephiroth!) but with a special emphasis on Reno. (A variation of the above wallpaper.)
Art: Advent Children
Download: 800x600/1024x768
Creator: RenosGirl
Description: My favorite Advent Children screen is the one featured in this wallpaper- Reno in profile. Also has him and Rude, teamed up to fight evil! Or be evil. Hmmm. Anyway, another beautiful wallpaper submitted by RenosGirl.