Here are some wallpapers that feature Reno. A few were made by yours truly, generally regarded as a very bad idea, but most were the generous gifts of visitors. They're here so you can download them, and so Shin-Ra can own your desktop as much as it does the rest of the world.
Art: Advent Children
Download: 800x600/1024x768
Creator: Phoenix
Description: This one has Rude, Cloud, and Reno. Quoth Phoenix: "Simple wallpaper but I love this pic of Reno." I like it a lot too, that's why I made the third layout from it.
Art: Advent Children
Download: 800x600/1024x768
Description: A simple wallpaper that's actually a glorified cropping of the third layout of Libertine. Black and white with a bit of red mixed in.
Art: Advent Children
Download: 800x600/1024x768
Creator: Phoenix
Description: Quoth Phoenix: "I titled this Can't Get Enough of Reno - because who can get enough of this hot redhead? :D" Word. I love wallpapers like this that show his many and varied expressions.