Here are some wallpapers that feature Reno. A few were made by yours truly, generally regarded as a very bad idea, but most were the generous gifts of visitors. They're here so you can download them, and so Shin-Ra can own your desktop as much as it does the rest of the world.
Art: Advent Children
Download: 800x600/1024x768
Creator: Phoenix
Description: Quoth Phoenix: "Reno in Black and White. I liked the way this one turned out...but what's not to like, it's Reno!!! ;-)" I really like the way his eyes and scars (war-paint?) are emphasized.
Art: Advent Children
Download: 800x600/1024x768
Creator: Phoenix
Description: Quoth Phoenix: "I wanted to try something a little different. Fooled around in Photoshop with different effects and actions and this is the final result." It's a very original and distinctive wallpaper :)
Art: Advent Children
Download: 800x600/1024x768
Creator: Phoenix
Description: Phoenix says she loves the cocky little half smile Reno has in this picture, and I have to agree :P I also like the neat black-and-white windswept effect this wallpaper has. Another amazing wallpaper from Phoenix :)
Art: Advent Children
Download: 800x600/1024x768
Creator: Sefie
Description: This is a beautiful wallpaper featuring some of Reno's hilarious facial expressions in Advent Children. Sefie's captured the range of Reno quite nicely, and I love the way she incorperated the gradiant.
Art: Advent Children
Download: 800x600/1024x768
Creator: Phoenix
Description: Quoth Phoenix: "I loved this part of the movie. Reno has the hottest, sexiest smile!!!" The editor would have to agree ;) Plus, explosions.